Hello! I am,

Gabriel Ribeiro

Software Engineer

Technologies, innovation, entrepreneurship and Front-end Engineer 👋💜

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Hello! I am Gabriel Ribeiro, a Software Engineer based in Florianopolis, Brazil. I like to create amazing applications. Recently I am working with some technologies like:

JavaScript ~ TypeScript ~ React ~ Next.js ~ GraphQL

Currently with 13 repositories on github, with a total of 16360 lines of code, mainly using JavaScript, Lua, TypeScript, C, Java technologies

Gabriel Ribeiro picture



This portfolio

NextJS, TypeScript

Biodinâmica Saúde

Clinical landing page

NextJS, TypeScript, GraphQL

Developers Club

Created from developers to developers

NextJS, TypeScript, Supabase


Legal platform of a chatbot aimed at creating analysis of court cases

React, NodeJS, MongoDB, AWS

Isha App

Prototypes aimed at creating an MVP of a project aimed at managing a medical clinic

NextJS, TypeScript
